- Title:
So Long and thanks for the Rotten Tuna :)
- Comment
Wasnt easy
- Uploaded:
2 months ago
- Time played
- Factorio version:
- Seed:
- Player count
- Mods:
base 2.0.15
Extended-Laser-Turrets 2.0.0
Flare_Stack_Goa 0.0.2
sonaxaton-infinite-resources 0.4.9
air-filtering 0.9.1
atomic-artillery-reborn 1.0.1
ballistic_missile 0.1.9
bigger-artillery 0.7.3
BiodomeIndustries 1.0.4
cargo-ships-graphics 1.0.2
Charcoal_From_Wood 1.0.5
CleanedConcrete 2.0.0
CoalOil 1.0.1
combat-mechanics-overhaul 0.7.2
dedicated-bot-charger 1.0.3
elevated-rails 2.0.15
Enhanced_Roboports 1.2.2
ets-RadarAlerts 2.0.0
Fireproof-Bots-2 2.0.0
flib 0.15.0
k2-space-age 0.1.0
kry_stdlib 1.5.5
landmine-thrower 20.0.0
large-storage-tank 1.2.1
Leylaa-Mod 0.0.3
More_Repair_Packs 1.0.4
MyQuickStart 0.0.20
nuke-cliffs 20.0.0
quality 2.0.15
remove-nuclear-marks 2.0.0
RoboportExtendedTWP 0.0.1
Robot256Lib 2.0.4
sa_bullshit_fix 0.0.1
shield-projector 0.2.1
some-spidertron 2.0.0
sulfur_thrower 2.0.0
vehicle-wagon-graphics 1.0.0
Warehousing 1.0.0
cargo-ships 1.0.10
Electronic_Locomotives 3.1.1
PersonalTransformer2 1.0.7
space-age 2.0.15
VehicleWagon2 4.1.1
Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16 0.7.3
BuggisNuclearBots 2.0.1
Customized_Cliff_Explosives 1.0.0
debloat-better-foundry 1.0.0
easy-wind-turbine 2.0.3
lyra_landfill_on_lava 0.1.0
lyra_robots_in_space 0.1.0
non-spoiling-science 1.0.0
NuclearPowerRebalance 1.2.0
OmegaDrill 0.3.3
scattergun_turret 8.0.2
skys-SA-simplified 0.2.0
squeak-through-2 0.1.2
water-pumpjack 2.3.0
Waterfill_v17 2.0.3
whats_a_spoilage 1.0.0
wood-to-landfill-spaceage 1.0.2